terms and conditions




Presentation of the Services

Article 1 – Definitions

Article 2 – Purpose

Article 3 – Access to the Site and Services

Article 4 – General description of the Site and Services

Article 5 – Price of the Services (Subscription)

Article 6 – Subscription of a Subscription (registration and validation)

Article 7 – Payment

Article 8 – Provision of Paid Services

Article 9 – Right of withdrawal

Article 10 – Right of cooling-off and refunds

Article 11 – Liability of Users

Article 12 – Liability of the Site

Article 13 – Suspension – Cancellation

Article 14 – Protection of Privacy and Personal Data – Cookies

Article 15 – Intellectual Property

Article 16 – Hyperlinks to/from the Site

Article 17 – Acceptance of the General Conditions of Use and Sale

Article 18 – Modification and consultation of the General Conditions of Use and Sale

Article 19 – Third Party Platforms and Partner Conditions of Use

Article 20 – Force Majeure

Article 21 – Tolerance

Article 22 – Proof, storage and archiving

Article 23 – Additional Information – Customer Service

Article 24 – Applicable Law – Competent Jurisdictions.

These General Terms and Conditions of Use and Sale govern the contractual relationship between:

APPANDAPP SRL with registered office in corso Valdocco 2 – 10122 Torino, VAT number: 11763390017

Registration with the Register of Companies of TO-1156986

Email address: servizioclienti@registroimprese-italia.it

Hereinafter referred to as “The Company”

On the one hand,


Any natural person of legal age or legal entity who uses the Internet site published by the Company available at the following url: registroimpese-italia.it and who wishes, or does not wish, to make a purchase through said Internet site,

Hereinafter referred to as “User”

On the other hand.


The Company offers businesses and professionals, through its Internet site, Subscription services of issuing certificates and visas, detailed tutorials, model contracts, and guides for assistance and advice on administrative practices.

Users of the site may browse the site, consult and use the services offered by the Company, subject to acceptance of these General Terms and Conditions of Use and Sale.

Users acknowledge that the use of the site and the Company’s services requires compliance with all terms of use defined in these General Terms of Use and Sale and acknowledge that they have the necessary skills and means to access, consult and use the site and the services offered.


For the purpose of the application of these General Terms of Use and Sale, it is agreed that the Company and the User shall be collectively referred to as the “Parties” and individually referred to as the “Parties.